Before buying a property at Pinetree Hill, we understand that you will have many intricate processes and important considerations to make. Every representative in the Official Direct Developer Marketing Team is highly qualified, well trained, and dedicated to assist you in your entire home buying journey.
There is NO need to pay any commission.
Important Note: Pinetree Hill condo showflat is cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis to create a safe viewing environment for everyone. As such, Pinetree Hill Showflat may be inoperational at certain times of the day for cleaning.
Therefore, kindly make an appointment using the form below at least a day in advance before coming to the showflat. This is to ensure that the showflat is available for visits at your preferred time. You will receive the eBrochure, floor plans, list of available units, and the DIRECT developer prices after making the appointment.
Developer: UOL Group Limited and Singapore Land Group Limited
Tenure: 99 Years Leasehold
Site Area: 242,564 square feet
Total Units: 520
Expected TOP: Sept 2027
Expected CSC: Sept 2030
Blossoms By The Park Grand Dunman Hillock Green Watten House Lentoria The Hill At One-North Lentor Mansion The Orie Chuan Park Nava Grove 8@BT Elta